Christmas in Unisport Ep. 14 | FIFA grudge match: Chelsea vs. Manchester United


Written by Mathias

It’s no secret that Joltter is a passionate Chelsea fan and Jakob loves Man United more than anything in his life! We know exactly what challenges to include to get our hosts tempers flaring, so we had them face each other in a game of FIFA.

With Christmas in Unisport 2016 we have really tried to take things back to the early days of our Christmas WebTV series, where it was just Joltter and Jakob playing around on camera. We wanted this, as well as combining it with modern tech talks and naturally also some killer giveaways. In our own humble opinion, we have upgraded the show and hope you enjoy!

Episode 14 takes things all the way back, with Jay and Joltter facing off in their teams honour for a game of FIFA. Jakob would also like to apologise for swearing, when describing John Terry, but at the same time wants to make it clear that this is his personal opinion of the Chelsea captain.

Watch the episode at the top of the blog and remember to join the giveaway, where you can win either a Dortmund or a Bayern shirt.