Think about it, theoretically it is far too heavy to fly, and yet a bumblebee proves that some natural laws are just made to be broken. This is how the insect became the brand´s name, because innovative studs by hummel, guarantee you the perfect control even on the muddiest turf.
hummel has sneakers in many colors and designs. These shoes are very comfortable with a great fit. The sneaker Zeroknit for example is versatile and super lightweight with high breathability and enormous comfort - your feet will surely thank you! However, hummel not only has a knack for sneakers, but also for special training models that you can wear at the gym, the sports field or in your leisure time. On the football field, the football boot HML 23 guarantees you maximum grip and natural touch and with the stud combination you can speed up from zero to a hundred in a second.
hummel supports projects that live their passion for sports and is a proud sponsor of various football clubs. The philosophy of hummel is quite easy – let´s sponsor athletes that nobody else would sponsor. Besides the national football team of Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and Tibet are representing hummel. Quite unusual, because officially neither the Tibetan national team nor the State Tibet exist. That´s pretty cool though, don´t you think? We also have football jerseys from Aab Aalborg, Brøndby and FC Utrecht or Christiania Sports Club here at Unisport.
Fly high with hummel, order today at Unisport and get free delivery.