Nike make original 32 panel footballs right alongside 6 panel footballs (and even solid footballs designed specifically for background play or practice) – and just about everything in between! You’re never going to feel like you aren’t given enough options to pick and choose the right football for your specific needs when you are choosing from amongst the Nike options out there.
Because they are the biggest and most popular sports company on the face of the planet, Nike is able to connect with some of the best athletes from all corners of the globe and seek out their opinion of the type of equipment that they produce.
A Nike football are almost always designed, engineered, constructed, and then tested with the help of professional footballers – some of the superstars of the sport – giving them advice and input every single step of the way.
Instead, just about every single one of the Nike footballs sold anywhere (including their place or practice footfalls that cost next to nothing – at least by Nike standards) are high quality pieces of sporting goods equipment that you are going to fall in love with almost immediately.
These are the kinds of footballs that will help you elevate your game like nothing else could!